A new version (version 4) of ODE is now available for download! ODE, Optimal Data Engine, is our open source product for building a Data Vault. Anyone can download it, install on their instance of SQL Server and develop a Data Vault of their own.
New features include:
- Same-as links; one link can refer to the same hub multiple times. This works for hierarchical links as well.
- Calculated satellite fields calculated via functions. There are a few useful functions available in ODE and we will be extending the range. If a function is required but not available in the core database, you can write your own code instead.
- Built-in reconciliation of Data Vault objects. Using this, Data Vault objects or stage tables can be compared against each other, just by providing a column mapping list. This can be a one-off reconciliation or scheduled to run on a regular basis.
- A satellite field name is no longer dependent on stage table fields. However, the lineage can be traced via the Configuration database. Also, ODE automatically converts the data type if the satellite field type is different from the source field type.
- A Metrics Vault. The Metrics Vault is an external feature to ODE, which isn’t installed by default. The Metrics Vault collects data about your Data Vault. We use it as a powerful audit and metadata tool.
And changes to existing features:
- In an earlier version, we introduced scripts to configure Data Vault objects quickly. These scripts are available in the new version as well. Not as a GUI yet, but new hubs, satellites and links can be configured in minutes.
- A single procedure to load a full dataset and deltas from the last load. A basic delta/full load switch was available in the previous version, but every stage table in the Data Vault staging area required changes once this switch was enabled. In the new version, the switch can be applied to stage tables individually.
- Load-state audit tables have been extended. Each step-start-time is now included and more details about the data load are available.
- In previous versions, we had to use a workaround to version the source table logic. In the new version of ODE we improved the change management; now the source code versions remain linked to staging tables, so the history of changes can be easily traced.
- The scheduler still manages Data Vault data loads and can also handle the load if the Data Vault objects need to be loaded in a particular order.
Find more details, guides and FAQs on ODE.ninja.
We use ODE to build Data Vaults for our customers. All the changes we’ve made were implemented to support our current customer’s needs. We’d love to hear from you; tell us if you think something is missing or could be improved.
Masseuse of all the Data – Kate