I’ve spent the last 8 years of my life surrounded by data nerds, and while I’ve learned so many new things about data, I can not even pretend I’m a data nerd myself. An enthusiast for sure, but a nerd… no way!
I lack what my peers would consider the hammer and nails in their toolbox… and a lot of the know-how. So, I’ve recently taken the opportunity to do the Qlik Continuous Classroom Data Literacy course, which is free – you just need to sign up!

About the course
There’s 5 modules, each module has between 3 and 7 topics to cover, and each topic can be completed within 30-45 minutes. You listen and watch a video, receive a takeaway document and do a 5 question quiz. Modules include:
- Overview of data literacy
- Data fundamentals
- Foundational analytics
- Data-informed decision making
- Advanced analytics
Should you do this course?
Tricky question, as everyone is different. My thoughts at the half-way point of this course, would be to ask yourself:
Do you work with numbers every day? Do you want to work with numbers more?
If you do work with numbers everyday you probably have pretty good data literacy, well done you! There’s always more to learn, so that’s why the second question is important. If you do want to work with data more, then give the course a go – you might find that you know a whole bunch of the basics, which it’s nice to be reminded of, but perhaps when you get to the analytics modules, that’ll be where you learn (note that you’re able to skip to whichever module or topic you like). It’ll also give you a baseline and you can explore further from there.
If you’re not currently really doing much with numbers or data but you want to be, then absolutely this course is for you! Get stuck in!
My experience
I’m at the halfway point, right smack bang in the middle of some fundamental analytics. A lot of what I’ve learnt so far has been stuff I kinda already sorta knew, even if I had to remember third form maths class, or stuff I’ve taught myself more recently. It’s fun being reminded of this stuff I haven’t used in years.
What is missing is a bit more about the why and the how. I learn by doing; practice makes perfect. These modules don’t have examples I can do myself. They do give you step by step examples in the lesson but you see it on screen, download the takeaway document and do the quiz and that’s the last time you think about it. There’s no examples for you to complete yourself, meaning the information goes in one ear and out the other, while I’m able to tell you about AB Testing (for example), I’m unable to know where to start when I’m all by myself.
Next, I’ll keep going and complete the course, see where my gaps are and look into filling them in. Have you done this course, if so what did you think? If you’re on the fence about it, I’d be happy to talk to you about it in more detail.
Herding all the nerds,