How to install Neo4j on AWS Linux

Ben Lee
March 15, 2016

This is a guide for standing up a quick server using Yum on AWS Linux.
Other options for getting a server running are:

  1. Manual download and install, instructions can be found here
  2. There is a cloud formation template that Neo4J provide here


  • AWS Linux EC2 instance. I used a T2.Medium but check here for suggested sizing.
  • Security Group setup to allow incoming traffic on port 22 and 7474.

Install Instructions

SSH onto the server the run the following commands

sudo sucd /tmpwget
rpm --import neotechnology.gpg.keycat <<EOF> /etc/yum.repos.d/neo4j.repo
name=Neo4j Yum Repo

If you wish to install a certain version of Neo4J then run a command like the one below replace the version number as required

yum -y install neo4j-2.3.2

If you just want the latest version run the alternative below command instead

yum -y install neo4j

edit /etc/neo4j/ ( This is called neo4j.conf in version 3)
Remove the # from the line below in the file


Restart the service

service neo4j restart

To have this run as a service run these commands

chkconfig --add neo4j
chkconfig neo4j on

Log into Neo4J on http://<EC2 IP Address>:7474
The default username and password are neo4j/neo4j you will be prompted to change the password after the first login.
All the code, all the fun – Ben

Ben writes blogs on the technical side of BI, the code, all the code and not much other than the code.

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