Woohoo we’ve got a new website! If you’re reading this blog you’re already on it and we reckon you should click a few extra buttons than you were planning to and go check it out…
Data really does make anything possible, and we’re here to help you harness data capability and use it to make better decisions, use data to set strategy, and grow.
Our new website splits our skills and experience into three aspects: Data engineering, data insights and data ops. It also shares our expertise in the services we offer, the training courses we’ve developed using the methodologies we’ve found work best, who we partner with, and of course, our blogs which are written by our team on the challenges they face or things that are interesting to them.
We do cool sh!t with data, and the new website showcases some of the cool sh!t we do, including FogHorn (an alerting engine that tells you when a cruise ship arrives in Wellington), and OVE (Optimal Visualisation Engine) which is a web based conversion tool that allows you to visualise any number as an object. Both FogHorn and OVE are free!
We hope you enjoy our new website 🙂
Herding all the nerds,